Torah: Chaye Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18) Haftarah:(I Kings 1:-31)
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 22/23, 2024/21/22 Cheshvan 5785 Have a Happy Thanksgiving! The Torah…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 22/23, 2024/21/22 Cheshvan 5785 Have a Happy Thanksgiving! The Torah…
DetailsFrom The Rabbis Study…Shabbat, November 15,16, 2024/14,15 CHeshvan 5785 The Torah portion is Vayera, which continues with Abraham receiving three visiting strangers and shows them hospitality. Abraham intercedes for the…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 8, 9, 2024/7,8, Cheshvan 5785 This Shabbat is Kristallnacht “ Night of Broken Glass”… Pogrom (mass riots with police not protecting the Jewish people and…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 1,2, 2024/30 Tishrei, 1 Cheshvan 5785 The Torah portion this Sabbath continues with G-d decides to destroy the wicked world by means of a flood.…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, October 25, 26, 2024/23, 24 Tishrei 5785 Shemini Atzeret is on Thursday the 22rd of Tishrei when the Jewish people that procrastinated and did not throw…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study… October 18,19, 2024/16, 17 Tishrei 5785 Haftarah: (Zachariah 14) When lighting the candles on Wednesday night the blessing ends v’Yom Tov. On Shabbat the blessing ends…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat v’Yom Kippur October 9,10, 2024/9,10 Tishrei 5785 This Sabbath is Yom Kippur, even though Yom Kippur is our “Holiest” of the Jewish holidays, it is…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, October 4,5, 2024/2,3 Tishrei 5785 Wednesday night is the Erev Rosh HaShanah blessings on the candles and ends with YOM TOV! If you would like,…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study… Shabbat September 27,28, 2024/24,25 Elul 5784 Haftarah: (Isaiah 61:10-63:9) Double Torah Parshiot: This Shabbat is Selichot, which is a solemn service of prayers asking G-d for…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat September 20, 21, 2024/17,18 Elul 5784 The Torah Portion this Sabbath contains agriculture laws and the laws of first fruits, and the formulation of the covenant…