From The Rabbi’s Study…May 31, 2024/23 and 24 Iyar 5784(Omer 38,39)
This Torah portion contains the following: Ban on idolatry, Sabbath observance, Reverence for the Tabernacle, Rewards for obedience to G-d’s law and punishments for disobedience, Tithes and valuations of offerings, and Vows.
In ancient times the Near Eastern countries developed legal systems that had rewards and punishments for the certain behaviors of individuals who did not follow the laws. The Torah offered a list for observances by Israelites, and their fates for blessings or curses judged by their actions and choices of behavior. The promises of prosperity, peace and victory over their enemies if they followed G-d’s laws. However if they chose not to follow G-d’s laws , their punishment would be crop failures, diseases, and death of their flocks and children (Leviticus 26:3-38).
Tochechah/ warning is the chapter of admonitions. Commentators of the Torah discussions are on G-d’s relationship to human beings, and whether G-d rewards and punishes according to our deeds. One has consequences to their actions, and a person should reflect about the consequences of their actions. Whether merits and rewards of the lucky person, while the noble person may be miserable. The honest and dependable person would be respected and trusted. How the kindness of someone towards others evokes a similar response of respect.
As Jews we have a higher authority, G-d, who in His wisdom gave us guidelines that are for ethical and moral behavior to follow. We are to become a Light to the other nations, so that they may strive to achieve better behavior and smarter choices in their behaviors. Sometimes throughout the centuries this meaning and purpose has become lost. Some may even not like the Jewish people because G-d chose us not them, however that is Not the true meaning of being chosen. We are to become dugmot/role models for others to follow.
We have finished the Book of Vayikra/Leviticus, which contains:
859 verses, 27 chapters and 10 Sidrot (order or arrangements).
It has been over 8 months since Israel was attacked and hostages were taken. Each day we pray for the success of the IDF and the return of our hostages. We pray for their families and loved ones. We mourn with the families for the loss of the recently found hostages, their loved ones.
Always remember that the Israeli Defense Forces try to save innocent civilians, while the Hamas terrorists and their leadership surround themselves with human shields.
Am Ysrael Chai! Long Live Israel!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Helene Ainbinder