From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat Shalom, Beit Chaverim!
Michael and I will be away. This Sabbath there will be no Zoom service.
The following Sabbath our guest Cantor Cohen will be leading the Shabbat services, a study session on Shabbat, Saturday morning followed by an oneg/small luncheon!
This Shabbat, August 2,3,2024/ 27,28 Tammuz 5784 has double Torah portions
Torah: Matot: (Numbers 30:2-32:42) Haftarah: (Jeremiah 1:1-2:3)
Torah:Masei:(Numbers 33:1-36:13) Haftarah: (Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4,4:1-2)
The two final Torah Parshot of the Book of Bamidbar, which contains:
1228 verses, 36 chapters, and 10 Sidrot
The Torah portion Matot continues with the making of vows. Both men and women would take upon themselves special obligations beyond those required by the Law. The War against the Midianites, apportionment of spoils of battle, and the Tribes that settled east of the Jordan River.
Briefly, vows where one makes promises are serious commitments. Ecclesiastes 5:4 states that “ it is better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and fail to fulfill.” The Jewish people cannot be ethical members of society unless we honor vows and promises.
The Second Torah parsha of this Sabbath has the closing chapters of Bamidbar which has Israel’s route from Egypt to the Jordan River. The Commandments for Israel’s entry into the Land of Canaan with boundaries of the Promised Land. The cities that were assigned to the Levites, cities of Refuge, and the reiteration of laws pertaining to female heirs to property.
Briefly, let anyone that questions the Jewish people that the Promised Land is NOT their lands, kindly tell them to read the Torah! The journey from Slavery in Egypt to Crossing into Canaan, with routes, cities and an organized civil society with laws of morals and ethical ways. A FREE NATION! When one reads about this time of our history, it was when tribal pagans and barbarians ruled . The cities of refuge were to have places of asylum for persons that committed manslaughter, and to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. There was still a primitive principle that a kinsman of the murdered victim can pursue and kill the murderer. Justice for anyone would need two witnesses to make anyone eligible for the death penalty. (Numbers 35:30)
Tishah B’Av will be observed on Monday, August 12 (8 Av) and
Tuesday, August 13 (9 av). The saddest day for the Jewish people. The Destruction of the Beit Hamikdash/ the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. First was by the Neo-Babylonian Empire (Jews went into exile in Babylonia), and then the Second Temple was by the Roman Empire. For those History lovers, note that this was the event that made Columbus wait an extra day before leaving in 1492! He also wrote B”H (Baruch HaShem) in his journals.
May We pray for those that were killed by Hezbollah in Northern Israel this week. They were 12 children playing soccer, and they were Druzes (non Jews but civilians of Israel).
May we have peace, and the release of all the hostages.
Safe travels for all that will be traveling this Summer.
Shabbat Shalom v’ Am Ysrael Chai,
Rabbi Helene Ainbinder