Torah: Bereshit: (Genesis 1:-6:8) Haftarah: (Isaiah 42:5-43:10)
This Sabbath is the first Book in the Torah, which starts with In the beginning. This is the start of the Jewish people and their history. While I would like to drash on this portion, I will be discussing the Israeli War.
I was just recently in Israel with my daughter and one of our grandsons as we traveled throughout the country. I watch like everyone from afar. We, from such a distance, may feel helpless, anxious for family and friends, and we MUST STAY STRONG! There are many prayers being recited, and on Shabbat services we will have a special addition for Israel and her people.
A little history of Israel and facts… I am not starting from 1900 B.C.E. I am starting today!
There are 9 million people of diverse faiths and from countries throughout the world.
The deaths as of today over a thousand human beings, over 1500 wounded, and if it is to be compared to America the deaths would be 50,000 human beings. You may hear that Israel attacked Gaza, seriously? If one looks at photos of Gaza, you see large buildings lined up by the Mediterranean Sea that are untouched. They are 5 star hotels with large 200 ft yachts along the seashore. Jews Do Not Kill innocent human beings.
If you heard Prime Minister, Netanyahu speaking in Hebrew, or the English version, Prime Minister, Netanyahu told the Gazans to leave now. Some may have left, while many are rejoicing in the streets. The Hebrew beit l’beit (house to house). Israel will be taking over all of Gaza (Barch HaShem). This is a war and terrorist battle combined.
As we watch from afar, each of us may contact representatives in Congress to strongly condemn Iran backed Sadistic Barbarians Hate group Hamas, and to stop or freeze any money going to Iran. There are individuals in Congress that spew Anti-Semitic and Anti American rhetoric, and one even has a Palestinian flag on her Congress office’s door.
Individuals that do not condemn Iran, Iran backed Sadistic Barbarians Hate groups, Hamas, and now Hezbollah in the Northern Area of Israel because they now stand with the slaughter of innocent civilians, baby killers, women and elderly, executions, beheadings, and others that have been kidnapped. The enemies of Israel are celebrating! These individuals left HUMANITY!
You should not remain silent.
Years ago I was in Washington D.C. with the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism and the World Jewish Congress, and I had the honor to meet and speak to the Holocaust survivor and author, Elie Wiesel(z”l). I was on his plane traveling back to NYC when Elie Wiesel(z”l) said to me:” Keep working on behalf of the Jewish people, Never be Silent, and NEVER FORGET!”
What you all may choose is continuing Standing Strong with Israel. You may choose to donate, please make certain that the organization is real and the money will go to aid people in Israel.
We are commanded, “To not sit idly by”, I know there are many rallies throughout our country and the world. There will be one here in St. George, and it is your choice to attend. I will be attending to represent the Beit Chaverim Jewish Community of Greater Zion. This is not a St. George Interfaith Council program.
Nadene and David keep me posted on all updates from Israel. Their grandsons and 2 granddaughters were called up to join the IDF. We pray for their safety and return to their loved ones. Many of you are contacting me, please know I just returned from a family wedding in NY, and I will be returning your calls and texts.
May our prayer reach HaShem.
May our prayers go to the men and women of the IDF as they fight to remove evil off the face of the earth.
May our prayers reach those that are mourning the losses of their loved ones.
May our prayers reach those that are wounded, and the best medical teams that try to save them.
Shabbat Shalom V’ Kol Ysrael Shalom,
Rabbi Helene Ainbinder