Torah: Mikketz (Genesis 41:1-44:17) Haftarah: (I Kings 3:15-4:1)
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, December 27, 28, 2024/26, 27 Kislev 5785 Hanukkah starts with the FIRST Night on Wednesday, December 25/ 25 Kislev On the first night of Hanukkah one…
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, December 27, 28, 2024/26, 27 Kislev 5785 Hanukkah starts with the FIRST Night on Wednesday, December 25/ 25 Kislev On the first night of Hanukkah one…
From The Rabbi’s Study, December, 20/21, 2024/19/Kislev 19,20, 5785 This Sabbath the Torah summary will be about Joseph’s dreams causing jealousy among his brothers. Then Joseph is sold to a…
From The Rabbi’s Study… Shabbat November 29,30, 2024/28,29 Cheshvan 5785 Have a Happy Thanksgiving! The Torah portion continues with Isaac praying for the barren Rebekah, who gives birth to Esau…
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 22/23, 2024/21/22 Cheshvan 5785 Have a Happy Thanksgiving! The Torah…
From The Rabbis Study…Shabbat, November 15,16, 2024/14,15 CHeshvan 5785 The Torah portion is Vayera, which continues with Abraham receiving three visiting strangers and shows them hospitality. Abraham intercedes for the…
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 8, 9, 2024/7,8, Cheshvan 5785 This Shabbat is Kristallnacht “ Night of Broken Glass”… Pogrom (mass riots with police not protecting the Jewish people and…
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, November 1,2, 2024/30 Tishrei, 1 Cheshvan 5785 The Torah portion this Sabbath continues with G-d decides to destroy the wicked world by means of a flood.…
From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, October 25, 26, 2024/23, 24 Tishrei 5785 Shemini Atzeret is on Thursday the 22rd of Tishrei when the Jewish people that procrastinated and did not throw…