From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, February 26, 2021/14 Adar 5781
Torah: Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) Haftarah:(Ezekiel 43:10-27)
Chag Purim! Happy Purim!
Since this Shabbat will be Purim, I will be explaining key concepts of the Jewish holiday.
The Torah portion and Haftarah are listed above for your Sabbath reading.
The word Purim is drawing lots. They threw dice(lots) to determine the date for the annihilation of the Jewish people in the 127 provinces of the Persian King Ahasuerus’ kingdom. Queen Esther saved our people. Evil Haman had some pointing, oznai/ears, we baked pointed cookies called Hamentashen. Queen Esther was thrilled by the outcome of our people being saved. She surprised the community with 2 portions of food and 2 zuzim (pennies). This fulfilled the Mitzvah of tzedakah and that even a poor person will be able to give tzedakah with the coins.
These gifts are called Shalach Manot!
This Thursday, February 25 is Erev Purim/13 Adar. Purim is celebrated for 2 days and the third day is called Shushan Purim* we will celebrate on Sunday. During the time of Joshua people that dwelled in walled cities could not celebrate Purim from the 13th and 14th Adar so they celebrated on the 15 Adar!
We live far from being in a walled city…soooo we will celebrate on Purim during Shabbat Friday night services. Have your Rashanim/Grogger/Noisemaker ready to drown out the evil Haman (BOO). During Shabbat service the celebration will have the Megillah Esther recited. You may drink wine or liquor, please no driving.
Some of you may have heard of the custom to drink and be merry, this is from the Talmud. The Talmudic sage, Rava proposed that a person is obligated to be inebriated (literally, spiced) on “Purim Ad d’lo Yada”,until that person cannot distinguish between cursing Haman and blessing Mordechai. (Talmud Megillah 7b)
Celebration will continue on Sunday, February 28/15 Adar at 2pm at the Fire Lake in Kayenta. No liquor at the lake, only water and juice.
The Megillah will be recited again for those that did not attend the Zoom Shabbat service. Remember to wrap any of your food to be given out to our congregation. Masks for health regulations are to be worn and social distancing.
- One of my relatives will be showing up, please enjoy this person’s company.
Shabbat Shalom v’ Chag Purim,
Rabbi Helene Ainbinder