From The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, October 25, 26, 2024/23, 24 Tishrei 5785
Shemini Atzeret is on Thursday the 22rd of Tishrei when the Jewish people that procrastinated and did not throw their wrongdoings away, the lulav branches are shaken during the morning service during Hallel as one walks around the synagogue. Thus the falling leaves are the sins leaving a person!
Simchat Torah is on Friday morning the 23rd of Tishrei when the Jewish people give a high honor to an individual of the congregation because this moment has the Torah reader chanting the last words of the Torah and the first words of the Torah in one breath! The Torah Never Ends…Etz Chai Hee…It is a Tree of Life to all who hold it!
The Torah portion is Bereshit and tells the origin of the universe and the human race. The Creation of the World.
First Day: Light…There was darkness, and G-d created Light! Therefore all our Jewish days, holidays and festivals start at night and end at the following night or nights depending on the holiday. The most important one is SHABBAT! Jewish people celebrate the Sabbath every week!
Second Day: Firmament
Third Day: Sea, land, and vegetation
Fourth Day: Heavenly bodies
Fifth Day: Fish and birds
Sixth Day: Land Animals and human beings
Seventh Day: Shabbat: Day of Rest
The beginning of the Torah has the stories Adam and Eve, which has our freedom of choice! The story of Cain and Abel which contains jealousy and murder. Sin is a mistake from what is to be normal in societies, rewards and punishments of each person’s actions.
There are a myriad of values and concepts in the Torah, maybe one day in the future I will hold chavara/study groups to discuss chapters and verses from the Torah.
Bereshit has meanings from each Hebrew letter.
Bet: Bitachon/ Faith
Aleph: Ahavah/Love
SHin: Shetikah/Silence
Yud: Yirah: Reverence
Tav: Torah: The source of all these qualities.
G-d made each of us unique and each of us are “in G-d’s image”, and we each strive to do lovingkindness in all our actions.
Shabbat Shalom v’ Am Ysrael Chai,
Rabbi Helene Ainbinder