Shabbat Zachor (Sabbat of Remembrance)
From The Rabbi’s Study… February 19, 2021/7 Adar 5781 Shabbat Zachor (Sabbat of Remembrance) Torah:Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19) The Shabbat before Purim every Jew is obligated to remove any memory of …
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study… February 19, 2021/7 Adar 5781 Shabbat Zachor (Sabbat of Remembrance) Torah:Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19) The Shabbat before Purim every Jew is obligated to remove any memory of …
DetailsTorah: Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18) Rosh Chodesh a new month (Adar) Shabbat Shekalim: Maftir and Haftarah (Exodus 30:11-16, II Kings 12:1-17) Brief overview of this Shabbat Torah portion. A variety of…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study… February 5,2021/23 Shevat 5781 A brief summary of this week’s Torah parsha(portion)… Jethro(Yitro is Moses’ father-in-law and a Medinite) brings Zipporah (Yitro’s daughter), the wife of…
DetailsFrom The Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat, January 22, 2021/ 9 Shevat 5781 Torah: Bo(Exodus 10:1-13:16) Haftarah: (Jeremiah 46:13-28) Tu B’Shevat the Kabbalist celebration of the Trees is on the 15 of Shevat,…
DetailsFrom the Rabbi’s Study…Shabbat January 15, 2021/2 Shevat 5781 Torah: Va’era (Exodus 6:2-9:35) Haftarah:(Ezekiel 28:25-29:21) Short Summary of the Torah Parsha; G-d tells Moses to go before Pharaoh and…
DetailsTorah: Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1) Haftarah (Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23) While our nation witnessed many ugly violence, riots, looting, destroying of property, burning down of cities streets, destroying and removing public statues,…
DetailsVayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12) Have A Happy and Healthier New Year. “Prayer Over the City” on January 1st at NOON will be hosted on Facebook by Solomon’s…
DetailsTorah: Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27) Haftarah:(Ezekiel 37:15-28) An overview of the Torah parsha… There was a confrontation between Judah and Joseph, whose identity is still unknown to his brothers.(Joseph is Vizier…
DetailsRosh Chodesh Tevet (New Jewish month will be Tevet)started on December 16, 2020 Torah: Miketz (Genesis 41:1-44:17) Haftarah:(I Kings 3:15- 4:1) Last night of Hanukkah is Thursday night, and…
DetailsTorah: Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1-40:23) Haftarah: (Amos 2:6-3:8) Hag Urim! Happy Festival of Lights! Happy Hanukkah First Night of Hanukkah will be sundown, Thursday, December 10th The Torah parsha this…